How a today football match prediction banker makes money with fake fixed match tips?

Would you believe that a tips site that claims to be the UK best soccer prediction site could be involved in match-fixing? Before you answer this question, you should answer whether you believe in match-fixing.

If newspaper reports are to be believed there were matches that were fixed but there is no concrete evidence of match-fixing. News stories regarding players indulging in corrupt practices created a storm in the world of sports and some players had to pay for their names figuring in the crisis. But it is very difficult to believe that the UK best football prediction site in the world would be involved in match-fixing.

Let’s take this discussion further and find the truth behind match-fixing in football

1. Newspaper reports

The world of soccer got to know about match-fixing in soccer from news paper reports. News persons have their sources for information but they never reveal identity of their services and for this reason the info provided those hidden sources can’t be verified.

2. Players

Today it is very difficult for a player especially the leading players to enter into a secret deal with a bookie. They are always under the eyes of media and fans. And if a player dares to accept a bribe for not performing, he would spoil his career.

3. Coach

It isn’t possible to fix a match without bribing a coach because it is the coach that selects players and it is the coach that has the power to recall a non-performer from the ground. But a coach is also responsible for the performance of his team. He has to select promising players.

Promotion of match-fixing

Tipsters promote match-fixing to get an advantage over others. They claim to have a say in fixing matches or at least information about fixed matches. They offer tips for fixed matches and ask for a lion’s share in the winning. It is a big fraud taking place in the name of fixed match tips.

A tipper approaches bettors with his offer of fixed match tips. He gets 100 punters ready to buy his tips. But the tipper has no information on fixed matches. He simply divides the buyers into three categories for convenience.

·       1/3 punters are advised to bet on the home team
·       1/3 bettors bet on away team
·       Remaining 1/3 bet on a draw

The tipper knows that only 1/3 of the bettors would win that those 1/3 punters would become his loyal customers. As expected, 1/3 bettors win the bet and start relying on the claims made by the tipster.

The today football match prediction banker approaches punters including the 1/3 loyal customers for buying fixed match tips and repeats the process. He is again left with 1/3 loyal customers. He keeps repeating the process again and again to make quick money.

If you are looking for euro cup soccer predictions weekend, you should be very careful from the claims that look lucrative but that are frauds. It is better to lose a bet instead of promoting match-fixing.


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